Why should you consider the cloud as a viable replacement to a local server? The cloud has been regression tested since the 1990s and large corporations that make up the backbone of the cloud industry are constantly under pressure to provide secure, seamless service. Since security teams are on watch 24 hours a day/7 days a week, they are incredibly secure and constantly monitoring for threats! This level of unbeatable security and real-time backup means you can rest assured that your business will be protected and available to you around the clock.

The cloud is also affordable and offers many perks you won’t easily find on a local server. E-mail works between all of your different devices, your files will be available from anywhere you have Internet, and your favorite programs and databases would be backed up in real-time for safety. Many find that offloading their internal IT demands will offset the cost of the cloud! Contact us today to find out more about how the cloud could benefit you and your company, no matter what sized business!


In the past, businesses spent a large portion of their budget on these three items alone. With the cloud, you now receive backups, security, and malware/anti-virus protection all as part of your monthly subscription. While you may still utilize these options on your workstations and laptops the cloud host will maintain these options for no added cost. Your low-cost monthly fee will give you peace-of-mind and cost savings you’ll see from the day one! Low maintenance can cut your IT budget as much as 50%. Contact us today to see how much you can save over your current in-house configuration. No contracts! No restrictions! Just real service that works.